Went out drinking Saturday night, but I still haven't recovered from the Insomnia class project so it was an early night. Sunday I just woke up and laid around for the first few hours then it was time to get some motivation and do the laundry that has been piling up for about a week. I think pretty much everything is clean now. Even all my damn dishes.
After that was over it was time to catch up on TV shows. Nip Tuck was probably one of the dumber episodes this season. It was due for a bad episode. Then caught up on Law and Order and that show is kicking some ass on USA this season. It is still funny to see Vincent Denofrio in that show after seeing him so young in Full Metal Jacket.
After writing this did I even really need to post this? I did want to share this killer clip of Aerosmith performing "Big Ten Inch". This song is one of my favorites by them. It's a pretty recent clip, but you can't beat old drugged out Aerosmith songs. Enjoy.
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