Friday, June 20, 2008

Here We Go Again

Today I was doing some reading on a few of my favorite music sites and I read that there has been more leaks on the new Guns N Roses CD. I don't know why I care since the first 5 or 6 songs I've heard already are mediocre at best. Curiosity got the best of me and I tracked them down and well I'm still a little disappointed. It's been about 13 years or something and Axl has blown millions of dollars on this CD and at this point I should be ready to hear the fucking "Wall" by Pink Floyd. NOPE! Not even close. I don't know why he is singing like he is one some of these songs. I will be the first to admit that Axl is not the greatest singer int he world, but a few of these songs sounds like someone is squeezing the life out of that guy or stepping on a cat I'm not sure which. I know that nothing will ever beat the original line up of GNR, he should be able to put together better stuff than this at this point. Whether you have heard these songs or not let me just say don't get high hopes for this CD. The songs that I really like are all ballads and my friends that is not what GNR is/was about. GNR was about in your face rock n roll. A big fuck you to the music industry not ballads even though I think "Estranged" and "November Rain" are incredible songs. I say just release Chinese Democracy and get it the hell over with so people can stop wondering about what they are missing which in the big picture is not much of anything.

It's really a shame knowing that this band was one of the biggest bands in the world and put out such kick ass music that is has came down to this. I'm going to reminisce for a few here...Check out this video...Axl looking like a giant fly but its kick ass.

I still love the Use Your Illusion CD's as well.

And I even was at this freaking mess and yet I still love this band.

That's a night I will never forget. July 2, 1991. Speaking of my birthday if you have any gifts like cash or checks get them in the mail. We all know how the post office can be.

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