Monday, October 13, 2008

Kiss, Drowning Pool, Politics

Everyone by now knows how much of a fan I am of Kiss (sarcasm mode on) but now they and by they I mean Gene Simmons has gone to far. The newest product to come down the line from Kiss is Mr. Potato Head dolls. Yes that's right Mr. F**king Potato Head dolls. I give that a big WTF! Nuff said.

Now on to Drowning Pool...My friend Sharen and I headed to Biketoberfest in Daytona on Saturday to see Drowning Pool, Saliva and Candlebox. We saw some pretty awesome bikes while we were there of course. We also got to meet the guys from Drowning Pool. These guys are super cool...again it's hard to find bands that are just assholes, but they are out there. *cough* 7 Mary 3 *cough* and *cough* Eric Singer *cough* but hey who's mentioning names? It was pretty funny actually meeting Ryan McCombs I swear that guy is my long lost brother. Even the guys in the band mentioned it. Check out the pic:

If you get the chance to see these guys live do so. They are incredible. Rocked the fucking house for about an hour. I will not miss another show of theirs. I tell you in the last 3 months I have seen 2 of the best concerts this past one with Drowning Pool and back at the end of August with Godsmack. Drowning Pool amazing. Check out their latest CD Full's the latest single 37 Stitches.

That song is so fucking good.

Ok the politics portion of this blog is simple. If you have time to protest a Sarah Palin motorcade you really need to get a fucking life. Let me rephrase that if you have the time to protest anything right now you need a fucking life. Get out and vote.

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