Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What are Radio Personalities?

So today as I was searching for jobs and going over my resume I kept thinking about this:

Why do people think radio personalities are idiots? As I was discussing my resume with someone they said to me, "So you have all this radio experience, but you don't want to be in radio?" I simply responded with "No." It's about a career change. Most radio people are creative. I have now ventured into another creative career and I love it. BUT every time someone sees my resume they say, "But you did radio." My response is always yes I did and it was great. To which they say we don't have anything in radio. Again it's my resume it shows my experience and it also includes non-radio jobs I have done.

I did radio and would do it again if the right opportunity came along. Just because one has done radio doesn't make them not hire-able.

Here are just a few things about radio people (in no particular order):
1. Intelligent
2. Creative
3. Think on their feet
4. Can improvise on just about anything

If there is one thing I learned over the past couple years in school is that most of these creative kids that I have gone to class with can't speak. They can draw or Photoshop their ass off, but can't hold a conversation. This is publicly or one on one. The last time I checked being able to communicate is still a big priority to employers. I will say, this is where the internet has changed things for kids. When I grew up you had to speak to everyone. You couldn't just text someone, grab a cell phone, or send an instant message. It was about setting up a meeting and being face to face with people.

What am I getting to here? I really have no idea. I guess I am tired of people thinking that radio people just get into the business because they can't do anything else. We get into the business just like everyone else did for their career..Because we love it, and that's why we do it. Has the business changed? You bet. Is it going to get better? Maybe, but at the moment it's heading towards the internet and not the FM dial.

I like to think that my potential employers will look at my resume, and think here is a guy who has been around and knows his sh*t. I think my resume is pretty damn good, and compared to a lot of people I have experience and that goes a long way.

Again I went back to school for a career change. I still want to be in the entertainment business. I will have my own business very soon. I also want to work for a great company whether its back in radio, or even something new with a record label, movie company, management company or even an ad agency. I look forward to the future and what it's bringing except the school loan payment.

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