Today was a good day...the dude from Best Buy called and told me they were able to recover all of my old data....WOO F'N HOO! Surprisingly it didn't cost nearly as much as expected either.
I broke down and had some McDonalds today too...Man I am trying to cut out the fast food so bad... just not working even though I only eat it about 1 time a week now when it used to be worse.
I saw one of these commercials today too about the home gym's. The Boflex or whatever and it kills me how they sit there and tell you "only 30 minutes a day 3 times a week and you can have a body like this." How in the hell do they get away with that? We know it takes a good diet also. I mean if it only took 30 minutes a day 3 times a week I would have a body like a freakin brick shithouse. I am there 45 minutes to an hour 6 days a week. I am still not even close. Oh well my diet sucks. I try and change.
So another interesting night in the studio for the All Night Jam Session. Always some weird calls, and crazy listeners at 2a.m. they certainly help pass the time.
Today I hope I can sleep until about 3 since the last couple days I haven't slept worth a crap. Catch ya again this evening.
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