Saturday, January 22, 2011

Damn...I am a slacker

Man have I been a slacker or what? It's been since Dec 21 since my last blog post..Why? I have no idea. I mean it's not like I have a real job to keep me from posting, or like I am swamped on a Saturday morning at 6am in the KDKB studio. The only reason..I don't know. But no more.

So is it to late for me to say Happy New Year and all that sh*t? Well there I said it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Dew Never Lets Me Down

Ah yes..Is it really believable that I am getting into the swing of things of this early sh*t? Waking up at 430 is a world I am not used to in anyway. The good thing is I am home by 11 or 11:30 am and I have the rest of the day to get stuff done - Translation - try not to fall asleep. Today I was impressed that I didn't even get my morning Mountain Dew until 8. I am pretty sure "The Dew" is way better than this energy drink we have floating around the station. I drank one of these so called energy drinks yesterday at about 830am and I was sound asleep by 11am. No Mountain Dew has ever done that to me.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Good God It's F'ing Early

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh Yea Something New..

I guess I should update this more than when I am just on the air, I mean it's not like I have anything else to do right? Right.

So last night I hit up Alice Cooper's Christmas pudding, and I have to say it was pretty cool. That was my first time checking it out. It's kind of weird walking around and seeing Alice with his kids and such. Crazy. Alice is still one of the coolest guys though. A lot of people really should take note from him. By that I mean just being cool with fans and he is just that..Takes pics, signs autographs, and never once seems to be dis-interested.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

More Randomness...and Some Hotties

Another Saturday shift down. Let me tell you what..Getting up at 5am sucks, but getting up at 5am on a Saturday is even worse. Sundays too. The only good thing about getting up that early is that I get to roll into a pretty kick ass job. Remember I don't think I have ever had a real job and I am trying to keep it that way. I like to think I am doing a fine job of maintaining that record.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Four Shifts Down

Well what a weekend it was..Four shifts down at KDKB once again. I am flattered that you guys like me enough to have me on the air 4 times in one weekend...What is the world coming to?

Saturday night was definitely interesting as I am pretty sure everyone who called in was hammered. I love listeners here as you are just brutally honest. It goes something like this:

Me: KDKB whats happening?
Listener: Can you play me (insert your song)
Me: Sure...Where you calling from...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh Yea a Little Four Play

I got some four play this weekend..How's that for personal? TMI? Ah you sick bastards I was talking about the four play weekend on KDKB. It's always good when we change things up and we didn't just bust out the four songs you would expect, which was definitely a nice change. Predictable radio is boring. I am thinking one of my favorite four plays this weekend was from the Cult.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holy Sh*t It's Been a While

Man I am a slacker these days. I haven't updated this page in a long ass time. There is a good reason...Well actually a few good reasons. I won't go into them all, but one big reason was that I was off the air for a long ass time. Now I am back on the mighty 93.3 KDKB. I am just pulling weekends and misc fill-ins for everyone and I can't complain.

I just got back here to the Phoenix area at the end of October and I am glad to be back. It's just downright awesome here. By far some of the best weather and how can I forget some damn good looking women.

I love Phoenix.