Friday, August 31, 2007

The Long Weekend

I started feeling under the weather yesterday, but got some advice from my friend Sharen who reminded me to take Cold EEZE...That stuff is awesome. It's simply some Zinc tablets, but they do the trick. As soon as you start feeling a little sick just pop these and you feel awesome the next day. It's kinda like Ny-quil used to be for me. That's good stuff too. The real difference is the Cold EEZE don't taste nearly as bad as Nyquil.

Last Call for a Friday could not have been better. White Zombie, Kiss, The Nuge, Faith No More and the Scorps to name a few. We were freakin rocking! I knew the late nighters knew how to throw down.

It's a Threefer Madness weekend... Make sure you listen for the 3 Van Halen tunes to win your free tickets to the show on Nov 23. That is if it makes it out here. I'm giving it about 5 shows. We will see.

So tonight I will probably be heading out to the Last Exit to check out some local bands in the battle of the bands. That all depends on if I make it past Happy Hour. Me and the Buzzman are supposed to head out and if Talben comes along it could get ugly.

Have a great weekend everyone... Make sure you tune in Monday from 5a.m. to 10a.m. I will be filling in for JR and Marci.

Off to watch Megyn Kelly.

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