Sunday, September 16, 2007

On The Road Again...

Damn how I hate that song...I have started the trek to my new destination of Orlando Fl, but first I decided I would go to L.A. and spend some time with family and friends since I knew heading back East would not allow me to see them for a while. Also because well the drive from Phoenix to FL just wasn't quite long enough for me (sarcasm mode on).

It was great pulling into Manhattan Beach, CA on Saturday. I haven't seen 70 degrees in 6 months at least. Let me say this first.. I loved Phoenix what a great city, but there is something about driving to work at 11:30 p.m. and it is still 100 degrees. That is just plain WRONG! So man that 70 mark was an awesome feeling... Dare I say it.. I was cold. It did feel good though.

The drive for those who care to know is pretty's just a straight shot on I-10. Boring but that is why you just crank up the tunes and rock.

Photo from I-10 in Indio, CA

By the time I got to town and after the move the day before I was just plain beat. Ended just grabbing some dinner then chilled out...

Today though is a different story... Football Sunday..

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