As I was flipping thru the channels I saw Saturday Night Live and man that show has not been funny in over a decade at least. I think they are definitely grasping at straws now as I saw Chevy Chase doing a segment on the news. Even that is not going to help. He was having a hell of a time reading the cue cards and the glasses he had on it was surprising he could read as good as he was. The damn things just kept sliding down his nose. I can't believe these writers sit around during the week and think some of this stuff is funny. I am also shocked that NBC hasn't just cancelled this show. Out of all the shows that are out there are they telling us that there is nothing better than this tired show? I think not.
I watched some football today, and I hate the Bucs yet since they are local I get stuck watching them. The Patriots won of course no surprise there and I have to say the Colts have to beat them in a couple weeks. I hate the Patriots. While I am on football why does everyone hate the Bills? So they lost 4 Superbowls. You should at least give them props since they are the only TRUE New York team. The Giants and the Jets both play in New Jersey...Sooooooo? Why are they not the NJ Jets and NJ Giants? Plus is it necessary to play the NFL in London? No! Let them have soccer. I do not even want to watch a game of football that is not here in the good ol' USA!

Also watched that show Ice Road Truckers and those guys are just crazy. Driving 300 miles on a lake that has frozen over! The ice is about 40 inches thick. That money is really not worth it.
Man after writing this I realized I watched way to much TV this weekend.
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