Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Greatest Commercial

Today I am watching the news and I see this story of a woman who woke up in the middle of the night to find out she had an alligator in her kitchen. Holy shit! I believe I would have died had I found this damn thing in my house. It was like eight feet. Damn just watching the story freaked me out. Gives me chills just writing this.

Have I mentioned I got a freakin' B in Physics. I am not sure how that happened...either I did amazing on the final or there was a hellacious curve. I'm going with the first one. This month has been absolutely crazy with class. Hours this month are 5p to 1a Tues thru Sat. Talk about shitty.

I just finished my first motion graphics project which you can check out below:

After Effects is an amazing program. You can do just about anything in that program.

I was browsing you tube last night and I managed to find the greatest commercial ever made! This is hilarious. Let's watch.

Oh man I am still laughing at that one. Even if you have kids you have to laugh at that commercial.

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