Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's Official

I have passed Physics. I don't know what the grade was, but I can tell it certainly wasn't an "A". Who cares that class sucked. Today I start Typography and Page Layout and tomorrow is Motion Graphics. This month is going to be different since class times are from 5 p.m. to probably 1 a.m.

Over the last four days I haven't done a whole lot. It's been nice just relaxing. there was the stressful time when my 500gb hard drive decided to bite the dust. I took it to the Geek Squad and they managed to fix it and recover all the data.

I checked out Blade's blog and was reading about the band 7 Mary 3 and all I can say about that band is I like their first couple CD's but personally I think they are a**holes. I remember back when they were about to get dropped from Atlantic Records and we almost ended up in a fight with their tour manager. It was ridiculous. The rock band ego is something else. I remember them telling us they didn't need radio play and well look at them now. (insert cricket sound fx here) Playing in front of like 20 people. That has to suck.

As I was relaxing this weekend I went over to youtube and managed to find some classic 80's / 90's hair. I found some live footage of the band Mr. Big. Man there was some talented individuals in that group. Paul Gilbert on guitar and Billy Sheehan on bass. They were a fun band to see live. Check out this footage from Japan. (You know they were huge there)

I would like it to be noted that Paul Gilbert was the first one to use the drill on the guitar not Eddie Van Halen. EVH gets credit only because he is a more famous. Mr. Big and Van Halen were in the studio at the same time and both came out with "drill songs", but I think credit should go to Paul Gilbert since their album was released in March and VH was in June. So let it be written, so let him get credit. Got to love the style of singer Eric Martin with the collared shirt and even tucked in live on stage.(sarcasm turned on) What the hell is up with that? But I believe it was Blade who told me Eric Martin from Mr. Big had a hot wife so I guess I can let it slide.

I love you tube.

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