I flew in to Raleigh, NC yesterday (and boy are my arms tired) wow..did I actually just write that? AND leave it in? See what happens while I wait for classes to begin.
I flew in Southwest Airlines and I must it was a good experience. Met up with some friends for lunch at the Hooters. Was going to hit the booze early but I figured I best lay off after weekend. Then I decided that was stupid so I hit the beer about 6 p.m. Can I just tell you that the Buds were going down good. Damn. Real good...
I also watched the Larry King interview with Kid Rock again. I am still trying to figure out who was more uncomfortable. Larry or Bob (Kid Rock). Larry's staff did a good job of getting some good questions out there because lets face it Larry King doesn't know shit about Kid Rock. I also think Larry King sucks but that is just my opinion. How he has managed to have a show for this long I just will never know and to be honest for being about 180 years old his wife is kind of hot...I stress KIND OF! Not to mention how can people look at that guy? Oh well he has money than me...for now.
I will say go and pick up the new Kid Rock CD. It's called "Rock N Roll Jesus" there is some good shit on there from the creatively confused Kid. Check out the title track here from his performance on David Letterman.
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