What a crazy and fun few days back in Raleigh. I got to see just about everyone in North Kakalacky (is that how you spell kakalacky? is that even a word?) that I wanted to. It was like old times meeting up with Rob, Jason, and Thomas for lunch. Hit a few places we used to go to on a regular basis. I have said this many times but it is really always good to see friends you haven't seen in a while. Rob looked liked a new person the guy has lost like 50 pounds or something. Jason well he is still a smart ass and well he knows. He did get lucky though and was playing security for Kelly Pickler at the State Fair. Then of course Thomas that guy still knows everything about a damn computer. That engineering staff in Raleigh could build a radio station out of some wire and a shoebox. Best engineers I have ever worked with.
Stopped in and saw the guys who canned me. Always interesting to see the look on their faces. Again after seeing the Program Director for the Rooster (I still hate saying that) and his can of possum soup or whatever on his shelf...Well I realized another reason why I couldn't do country. Damn. Who the hell eats cream of possum? I mean seriously? What kind of person eats that? ANSWER: RED NECK and he knows it.He even has the sticker in his window.(REDNECK PROUD) or something like that.
And then there is Jean. The receptionist well she still hates everyone. She is still my favorite black woman. She might be the only black woman I know but still she is still my favorite.
Friday went and met up with Les Norbert and did a segment for his youtube show. I had an alter ego of Glen Almond.

Then checked out some high school football with Teke and Sharen. That was some good shit. 51-0. This team kicks ass. My friend Sharen's son scored one of the TD's in that ass whoopin'.
Saturday I met up with Blade. It was weird hanging out with him past 8 p.m. The guy is usually in bed by 9, but I think he made it that night until about 1030. I was proud. Way to go dude. Blade, Teke (the RDU weekend god) and myself all sat around talking about the good times and just the past at RDU. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Talked about our old interns, PD's, co-workers, bits whatever it was just entertaining as hell. Blade is such a creative dude and just sounds good on the air. Listen to his show at
Sunday it was off to another friends house and watched football, ate, and threw back more drinks...just in case the last 5 weeks I haven't had enough.
In my downtime I love watching you tube. You can find just about anything on there. I happen to stumble on a music video from a band I dug in the early 90's. Check it out below:
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