Wednesday, October 17, 2007

School and More Youtube

I am just counting the days until school starts. That sounds ridiculous because I never thought I would be at this point. I am excited and of course a little nervous just because...well it's school. Who the hell wants to go back to school? Let alone after 15 years since I was last in school.

I actually have been running again just got back on that kick and I love it. It actually makes me feel like I have done something during the day.

I know you are all awaiting the video for the final day of the trip and it is being edited as you read this.

As I mentioned yesterday I have been spending a lot of time on and there is some great stuff there. Well my friend Todd knows this, but he sent me a link to some videos which I hadn't seen but have to be some of the funniest parody material ever. Basically this guy has over dubbed some really bad guitar to some of the greatest guitarist. Just watch..You will see and hear what I mean. I have Jake E. Lee with Ozzy, and Angus Young of AC/DC here, but on you can see Slash, Steve Vai, Eddie Van Halen, Clapton and more.

Jake E. Lee

Angus Young

Maybe it's my warped sense of humor or maybe I am just really bored but that is some funny shit.

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